Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Life hasn't been easy and getting on the computer isn't often a luxury I get during the day. Josie is doing great. Jesse is keeping me on my toes. Asher and Anna are great helpers. I am sleep deprived and have had some complications with my recovery. However life is good. How could it not be with this sweet face to look at every day?! Anyways, I thought a few pictures of Josie would hold my faithful readers over for another week.
Josie received a sweet package from my Wet Hen sisters in Hawaii (her "Auntie Hens", my fellow sailing instructors). It was such a nice gift! She received her first sail boat and Wet Hen/Pacific Yacht Club gear, and lots of RED clothes (the Hen colors). She is ready for a trip to Hawaii to go sailing! All she needs now is a life jacket.
Weekly RunDown: January 5 – 11 / I Got My Snow, Now Bring on Spring
The Beauty of Snow Days I’ll be the first to admit that I love a pretty
snowfall. Growing up in the mountains of southwest Virginia we got plenty
of snow...
Aw, she is so sweet. I think her and William are working on the same back of the head mohawk look!!