Happy Spring Break for Joel!! We kicked off his break with a big night out. His school sponsored a "Spring Fling", a semi-formal for students and faculty. Since he had been busy preparing for finals I literally had only seen him for an hour or two every day for two weeks. It was super nice to finally have him all to myself! Plus it is always fun to get all dressed up. It was a wonderful night of great food and company, and lots of dancing (YEAY!). Of course, all the guys kept disappearing at intervals to watch basketball.
My wonderful mom drove up from WV just to watch the 4 kids for our big night out (God bless her!). She barely survived. After working with Josie on a bottle for 2 weeks, we left fairly certain the bottle would not be a problem. However our night ended with a phone call that she had not eaten in 5 hours and I believe my mom was stretched pretty thin. Turns out Josie will only take a bottle from Joel. But thank you mom for handling it all for us!!
The rest of Joel's spring break went by in a whirlwind: a friend stopping by on her drive cross country, a 2000 piece puzzle that ended up with only 1999 pieces, a cold passed around the 6 members of our family, a trip to WV for the boys to go fishing, and then plop...here we are with Joel back in school. Now it is Asher's spring break and I have found it quite hard keeping up with life with all 4 kids at home. So please forgive me for those phone calls and emails not returned. I am doing my best to pull my head out the sand!
Weekly RunDown: January 5 – 11 / I Got My Snow, Now Bring on Spring
The Beauty of Snow Days I’ll be the first to admit that I love a pretty
snowfall. Growing up in the mountains of southwest Virginia we got plenty
of snow...