And it's Asher's eye! Asher woke up this morning with his right eye swelled shut and crusty. Once he finally opened it, it looked like someone had punched him (maybe Anna did in her sleep?). Alas, the poor thing has pink eye. It was God testing my heart to change a very busy day and focus on my kids since Asher would not be going to school. I don't do well with sudden change to a schedule and it sent me scrambling and a bit resentful. Asher has already been home for close to 2 weeks due to "fall break" and now will be home for most of this week. "Lord, I have plans! Please give me a break" I found myself crying this morning. But it truly turned into an enjoyable day. I think the highlight to Asher's day was accompanying me to a sailing lesson I committed to giving where he laid on a blanket in the shade, cheered for me, and drew sailboats. He says he always wants to go sailing with me now! When we finally made it to the doctor, however, he had spiked a fever and fell asleep in my arms in the waiting room. This is a huge shock coming from the one who NEVER naps, slows down for a second, and would stay up until midnight if we let him. So instead of enjoying my normal Monday night out (I get a sitter every Monday night for some Mommy away time in Joel's absence), I enjoyed a nice evening dinner on our back porch with our neighbors. It was quiet and running to football practice, the commissary, shoving dinner down before the sitter arrives, trying to find a time to talk to Joel. We had a great conversation with Joel and it was a lovely and blessed evening that even the kids enjoyed. Asher had perked up with medicine but this was him by 8:00pm in our neighbor's popisan chair on their back porch. I probably could have left him there all night. Thank you Lord for helping me to slow down and enjoy my kids a little. May we enjoy another one tomorrow. I pray that Asher's feels better soon and that the other 2 don't get it!
Weekly RunDown: March 2 – 8 / Rest, Recovery, and Rebuilding
Sleep Seems to be Ruling My Life / I’m shocked at the amount of sleep I’ve
needed since surgery. My goal for the past few years has been 7 hours per
He has looked so grown up in your last several posts, but curled up sleeping in that big chair he looks so little. Praying he feels better soon and doesn't share it with his siblings.
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you. You are doing
great. I know you feel like you're going crazy at times and sometimes you're ready to throw in the towel, but you keep on going. You are doing it. You have 3 kids by yourself. You have kept up with all their activities and yours.
Do Not sell yourself short on what you are accomplishing and don't beat yourself up when you have moments...or even days(lol), where you feel like you've dropped the ball. Stay focused on the big picture, the one where you are definitely not dropping the ball.
Just keep your eyes focused on Him and your heart wrapped around your family and you will come through this trying time with flying colors.
Poor thing. HOpe he gets better soon!